Saturday, April 7, 2012

The 2011-12 Fan Photo Book

The fan photo book is complete and available for preview and purchase at Click this link to view the book page where you can preview all pages and purchase a copy.

Here is the front and back cover spread:

I regret to say that if you want to have a copy in time for the Awards dinner on the 18th (to get autographs in it, for example) you will have to order immediately and pay for premium shipping.

However, good news: you can buy the book as an e-book for $1.99. This gets you a file in epub format. Click here for a list of epub-reading apps for various platforms.

But then: bad news. When looking at the epub version in the free Mac App Kitabu, the book looks like crap. Fonts messed up, pictures disarranged—it's a mess.

The Firefox add-on EPubReader works better. It only shows one page at a time, so you can't appreciate double-page spreads, but at least the pictures are in the right size and order.

I'm going to leave the epub version enabled on the Blurb sale page, but be advised, it does not provide the same experience as the printed version. If you try it on an iPad, please leave a comment!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Stanford vs. Baylor, 02 April 2012


A big announcement should be up here by the end of the weekTOMORROW!

David Cortesi

Well, the season's over and our page views are down to nuthin', but heck: posting 19 pictures of the Semifinal day to our last Smugmug gallery of the season. Shots of the reception, a few game shots (there were some highlights) but it's probably most fitting to represent the collection with this: Nneka speaking at some length to the team before they left the floor:

Michael Li

Micheal was in the Stanford section at the Pepsi Center and posts a few pictures to a Flickr set including his own shot of the end-of-season circle with a little more of the context than ours:

Baranduin Briggs

Baranduin collected her shots of Stanford-related activity from the whole Denver weekend to a single Smugmug gallery with lots of pictures of Nneka and Chiney at the announcement of the All-American team, charming pictures from the send-off, and some action shots from the Baylor game of which this is a sample: