Saturday, November 10, 2012

Fresno State at Stanford, 9 November 2012

Scott Uyeno

Scott posts 52 shots to a flickr set. A number of his first-half shots from the south end show how tough the Bulldog defense was, as here:

(Yes, that's a foul, but the refs blew very few whistles in this game.) But in the second half he gets a look at Stanford defense:

Michael Li

Michael posts 20 shots from what looks like a new vantage for him, the SW corner, in a flicker set, including this of Toni finishing one of her two breakaways:

Click through for shots of tip-off, more action, and of Giants mascot Lou Seal interacting with fans.

Baranduin Briggs

Baranduin posts 72 shots to a smugmug gallery many telling what a scrappy, physical game this was, with bodies flying all over the place:

Click through for more toppling athletes, Lou Seal, and (#56) a moment of "pure Chiney" and (#66) Denia's personal fan club bares all.