Sunday, December 16, 2012

Pacific at Stanford, 15 December 2012

Scott Uyeno

Scott posts 56 shots of North-end action to a Flickr set including this dynamic composition that nicely captures Erica Payne's defense:

(Note that Pacific's #4 is their high scorer normally; in this game she had zero, zip, bupkis.) Click through for many more including Erica looking for help, Jos getting fouled and later, fouling in return.

Baranduin Briggs

Baranduin posts 49 shots from the SE corner to this Smugmug gallery with lots of wild action, including this of Taylor at the start of the collision that took her out of the game:

Click through for lots more including Jasmine doing a header and Mikaela being rolled upon. Oh, and dogs!

Michael Li

Michael posts a small but choice group of action shots to a Flickr set featuring this one of Amber in trouble:

Is Amber rebounding or shooting? No matter, great shot.

Dave Cortesi

A polite red-vest rousted me from an unauthorized courtside seat (yeah, it's all his fault) so we posted just a few shots to a Smugmug gallery including this of Taylor's collision just a few milliseconds later than the above shot:

A few more where that came from including Mel Murphy.