Michael Li
Michael missed the first half ("I was watching the 49ers") but posted 8 second-half shots to a Flickr set including this of Sara looking for a charge call:
Scott Uyeno
Scott posted 61 shots to a Flickr set including this one of what may be that same charge by Ariya Crook:
Baranduin Briggs
Baranduin posted 47 shots to a Smugmug gallery including this one of SEJ attacking in the second half:
David Cortesi
We posted 18 mid-court shots to a Smugmug gallery including—let's make this Sara James week, shall we?—SEJ being interviewed by Mary Murphy:
Photo-nerd note: the above is a zipper-neck job. I got three shots of this pair, one in which SEJ looked best and a different one with Mary Murphy smiling. Half an hour of photoshoppery later...