Michael Li
Michael posts eleven shots to a Flickr set, including this one of Mikaela blocking Sunny Greinacher:
Don't feel bad for Sunny, she had a good night despite this. For more, including several shots that include Elle Tinkle (Jos's sister), click through to the set.
Scott Uyeno
Scott posts 64 shots to his Flickr set, including a great shot of Chiney scoring:
For lots more, including a different angle on the exact same instant of Mikaela blocking Sunny, click through to the set.
Baranduin Briggs
Baranduin posts 80 pics to a Smugmug gallery, including this dramatic shot of Kailee Johnson:
For more action, and several shots of the halftime and postgame celebration of Tara's 900 wins, click through to the gallery.
Happy Snappy Fingers Dept.
It's quite remarkable that all three photogs seem to have captured Mikaela's block of Sunny. Michael Li's shot is above. Here's Scott Uyeno's:
And here's Baranduin's:
Sunny didn't have a chance...