Scott Uyeno
Scott posts 34 action shots to his Flickr stream with lots of close action under the North basket, including this of Toni getting fouled on a drive:
Diane Roberts
New contributor Diane shot from the SE corner and posted 46 pics to a Smugmug Gallery, portraying well the ambience of a sold-out game. Some game action, too, but one of her best action shots is of the Showtime Dunkteam arial act at half-time:
Baranduin Briggs
Baranduin posts 45 shots to her Smugmug gallery including so many great actions shots of Nneka (of course), Chiney, Bonnie, Jos, that it was hard to pick one to feature, but by an eyelash it has to be...
Also, Baranduin caught the group-circle formed by both teams after the game. This is something Stanford only does with Tennessee, so far as I know, and it's a nice moment:
Michael Li
Michael says he didn't take a lot of shots because, "As a fan photographer, fan comes first." But he did post a few shots to a Flickr set, including one he says "more or less sums up how things went for the Lady Vols"--
and more...?
Anybody else?